SevenDays® 2024 Super Sponsor $15,000:
If you are ready to pledge $15,000 to become a SUPER SPONSOR, email [email protected].
Your Ripple of Kindness Will Reach:
- 500 Attendees at our breakfast
- 1,000+ Attendees at our walk
- 48,000 Facebook reach YTD
- 10,700 Page Views on LinkedIN
- 7,400 Instagram reach YTD
Our Audience:
- 80% Women, 20% Men
- Prominent in Ages 35-64
SevenDays® Super Sponsor
Support SevenDays® by sponsoring both our Kindness Breakfast and our Community Kindness Festival. Super Sponsors will donate $15,000 and the benefits include:
- 2 tables at the Kindness Breakfast seating 8 guests each, 16 in total
- 1 promotional table at the Community Kindness Festival
- Hyperlinked logo on website
- Logo in printed Kindness Breakfast program
- Logo Kindness Breakfast slideshow
- Logo recognition in social media promotions
- Logo on event signage
- Verbal thanks from stage at Kindness Breakfast and Kindness Festival