Kindness Basket Delivered to Black teen mistakenly shot after going to wrong house.

Thank you for helping us Cultivate Kindness and perform a kind action for 16-year-old Ralph Yarl who was shot twice after going to the wrong house to pick up his younger siblings.

Making a Ripple of Kindness

Not only did SevenDays® extend an act of kindness to Ralph Yarl through our Cultivate Kindness program by delivering a Kindness Basket but students at Shawnee Mission South held a kindness walk. Ralph Yarl was top of mind for many of these students.

Learn more about his story below.

Shooting of Black teen who went to wrong house investigated. (April 17, 2023)

Teenage boy shot after going to the wrong house to pick up his younger siblings.

Ralph Yarl’s classmates hold ‘Unity Walk’ in show of support following Kansas City shooting.

Excerpt from article:

“Hundreds of students were seen marching outside a high school in Kansas City, Missouri in a show of support for Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old Black teenager who allegedly was fired at by an 85-year-old White man in a shooting prosecutors say had a “racial component” involved.

The ‘Unity Walk’ at Staley High School came a day after [the man] was charged. … Ralph Yarl, a junior at Staley High School…

Gun violence against unarmed Black individuals must stop. Our children should feel safe, not as though they are being hunted.”

How Cultivate Kindness Works

Any time the SevenDays® team identifies an opportunity to spread some much-needed kindness—when someone has been a target of hate—we must let them know that darkness can be overcome with light. Kindness and love drive out hate.

An example of an act of kindness performed through this designated fund is a Kindness Basket filled with SevenDays® t-shirts, kindness socks, and a note from us representing each of you who assist with the funds for this gift.

Together, we will make a ripple and change the world!